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en:support:account:account_exmatrikulierte [09.03.2011 22:14] – created helena.zimpelen:support:account:account_exmatrikulierte [08.10.2023 15:17] (current) plieske
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-======= your account after exmatriculation =======+======= Your account after exmatriculation =======
-After exmatriculation you can use your student account up to the end of the next following semesterThat is to say, if you exmatriculate on 13 December 2011your authorisation for using your account is valid up to 30 September 2012.+Your account including your student e-mail address is valid until 13 months after the date of exmatriculation14 days before your account will be locked you will receive an email in your student mailbox. After that, your account will be deactivated and deletedThe use of the Learning and Study building (LSG) as well as the library account is excluded from this and is no longer possible after exmatriculation!
-Presumably your e-mail address remains forever. You can also undo a set [[en:support:email:weiterleiten|e-mail forwarding to another e-mail address]] if you would not like to receive mails from your university account anymore.+Therefore, we ask you to [[en:support:account:winscp|backup your student home directory]] as well as your emails or migrate to another email address in a timely manner. Forwarding of mails to another mailbox is no longer possible after deleting the account. A reactivation of the account after 13 months is not possible.
 +**Note: Even after exmatriculation you can use the self-service functions (eCampus) up to 13 months to print certificates without extending. Therefore, keep your password even after finishing your studies.**
-{{tag>exmatriculation account}} 
-^ erstellt von | Helena Zimpel | +{{tag>exmatriculation account}}
-^ erstellt am | 09.03.2011 22:12 |+
en/support/account/account_exmatrikulierte.1299705297.txt.gz · Last modified: 18.01.2023 11:43 (external edit)

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